How do I review Remote Data?

Data is displayed in tabs. Most tabs have a dropdown box above the text area. This allows you to directly go to the desired document (red circle on the image below). Tabbed interface Dropdown to select document Text of the selected document

How do I load Remote Data?

It’s an easy 3 step process. Based on patient’s history: Select the source VAMCs (you can check multiple) Select interval (time period) for the desired data. Click on “Load Remote Data” button. Within seconds, the data is loaded and displayed on CPRS as...

Why do I need Remote Data?

Many veterans receive, or have received, care at multiple VAMCs. Often, patients refer to a discussion, lab, or procedure done at another VAMC and asks the provider to follow-up. Problem: In JLV, finding a specific piece of data (e.g., Colonoscopy or LVEF) may take...

What does the Remote Data feature do?

Remote data functionality expedites searching the VA Remote VA. Users can download data from multiple remote VAMCs for N years and search the remote data like it is one local document. Note: This is not possible in CPRS or JLV.